Mavi Sheesham Wood Steel Brown Chapati Box @

Have been looking for a chapati holder/box/container whatever you may like to call it for very long now. Can't deny that the best tasting chapati is a freshly made one. But not all of us are that lucky these days, and we mostly keep<reheat the cooked ones and then eat. But again, keeping them in a container where it doesn't sog with steam, stays warm, and such that it doesn't get crispy either…


Wooden Shesham Tray by Exclusive Lane at Fashionara!

Sheesham Wood Tray There is no match for things wooden and earthen and I seem to find myself keep falling for them again and again. But then you can’t blame me at all. What’s my fault if I keep spotting these gorgeous products made out of them, ha? Today’s earthy sheesham wood was spotted at…