if you loved the boxes(organizers) from our previous post, but don’t to how to use them. Here are a few ideas of how others are using them. These are all simple to apply ideas. Check them out…
if you loved the boxes(organizers) from our previous post, but don’t to how to use them. Here are a few ideas of how others are using them. These are all simple to apply ideas. Check them out…
for most of us, a toolbox is a boring box full of hardware stuffs, but wait.. Lets think out of the box… Organizing in a toolbox is easy and fun!
You can place this anywhere- in your bathroom, kitchen, desktop, dining table top, just anywhere you want..
they are easy to use, they are colorful, they are these amazing segregation solutions called boxes! For everyday keeping to long term storage. For photographs, for magazines, for trinkets, hardware, kid’s stuff- you name them and they are all in place- WITH THESE BOXES.
these are the best things to declutter small things that we seem to be loosing when we need them the most- Drawer Boxes! What better way to keep things organized looking good at the same time. Pick them from one place in the morning when you are in a hurry, and place them back in segregated drawers when you get back home.
not all of us are lucky enough to have large spaces. Especially large bathrooms and kitchen. But instead of fretting, isn’t it better to make it look good and practical at the same time with whatever we have. If we truly do that, involving ourselves, we’ll end-up creating a space that we wouldn’t barter for anything. After planning, the foremost thing to keep in mind in small spaces is organizing. Not that large homes don’t need organizing- they definitely do. But small spaces need some practical intelligent solutions. So we start our complete guide for home organizing * storing * shelving with bathrooms.
books are special, nowadays books are rare too- I mean we don’t buy much books these days. I distinctly remember my Grand Pa saving money to buy Reader’s Digest Books. He had a huge collection and in one instant he lost most them to floods. I feel books have an emotional bond- you turn the pages of your favorite book- first the aroma takes over you, then you go down the memory lane and the book becomes a part of you for forever!
now no more excuses for not being able to feel the real thing while reading books online. Before you think they bring you the SMELL OF BOOKS in a Can! Wow! Go get it!
Get it Here!
Our first post in our on-going theme storing*shelving*organizing had to be on bookshelves. This is for a few very important reasons- we simply love books, sometimes we love them as a decor item(ya!). We love the smell inside old and new books. The foremost reason for choosing a bookshelf as our first storing*shelving*organizing‘post is that we’ve not been able to read books for many days now- our books are all…