freedom- we’ve all been arguing since many years, what’s an individual’s idea of freedom. And everyone is opinionated(& that’s great). But what we were wondering today was something else.

We were thinking what if we were never colonized by some other country?? What if we were always on our own?? Would that make us what we are, would that make a country of pupils looking for the meaning of freedom?? What about those countries who were never colonized? Do they too look for their own understanding of what freedom means.

We are celebrating India’s Independence day on 15th of August from British colonization about 68 years ago. But today…

15 PRETTY KITCHEN TOWELS- Use them / Decorate them!

Kitchen is one area which just cant be kept unkempt. You have to do that on a daily basis and sometimes a few times a day. It has to be neat and clean- for if kept otherwise, it can be hazardous to health. So cleaning is one aspect for which we have many tools and accessories that help us maintain the standard. 

This has changed- no not the cleaning part but how these kitchen accents look. They are no more just useful products…


whites always give a calmer effect, and so they still remain a first choice for many of us especially for our bedrooms. White linens- whether for winters or summers works equally fine. And so white for bedroom can remain a trend throughout the year. Today, we’ve ten such soothing bedroom interiors in bedspreads, curtains, or pillows, they would want you to…

15 FINE BROWN & BEIGE THROWS + How To Use Them On A Couch!

you might feel a little weird for us doing a post on ‘throws’ at this time of the year. But if we tell you that somewhere in the world it is cold and they are very much interested in buying a new one, will that be sufficient? And if we tell you that, its rainy season which tends to get a little cold sometimes and we are simply picturing you on a couch with a hot cup of tea and a light throw over you- will the post…