july 1st is special. Very special. It was on this day last year that we started this journey called medesignwe. Medesignwe.com has been a space where we shared all things great and worth mentioning as far as home décor and design world is concerned. Up until now we’ve been able to give a professional approach to it. But on the personal level we’ve never been able to discuss, deliberate, talk about it with our family and friends. So when 1st of July was approaching we thought we can have a party @home for all these people and celebrate. But then 1st of July is Tuesday and we definitely don’t want people to leave their work and come to our party. And just when we were still thinking I got a mail alert from FabFurnish for a post called #FabTGIF.
Now, that would be a great co-incidence. And also a pusher to finally host this kind of a party at home- our first.